Thursday, April 26, 2012

If only you could spin yarn!

Billy continues his harrowing tale of danger and warm mittens from a scary-hairy guy. Just wait till next week when I'll have a full-color panel of the attack!
Thanks to all you facebookers out there dropping by by the way.
I come from dysfunctional family background and this week I have had some illusion disturbing insights into my life so far. It makes me ponder how much of my past dysfunction  to incorporate into the Plutonium-Dirty Socks comics. Wadda think?
Hey,and while your at it- can anybody tell me how to post a pic on my facebook with a URL link attached to it?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Uncle Smithee

Welcome to page 6. It was fun making the 3 cell spanning word balloons. Smithee tests Billy with a little sarcasm to asses his true state of mind. I woulda made this sooner,but I had a jammed packed weekend of the MLAA artist meeting, then a printmaking workshop. Not much time left over for a Smithee page.
But, here ya go!

Monday, April 9, 2012

it's tax time!

I mean AXE-TIME in Smithee world. Yep, that time every year where every law-abiding citizen of the new republic must register and pay their axes. This is where citizens are corralled into fenced-in area with supposedly docile and non-threatening zombies to pay their taxes ( I mean axes) quotas and slay zombies for the Government. A public service if you will. Be sure to read the disclaimers in the hastily composed notice for further details. This means I am going to devote this week to taxes (I mean axes) since I tend to procrastinate this civic duty. Taxgirl has proven interseting reading for folks like me. Other artisans might want to take a peek at her site. Interesting tax related info.
Quickly - worked all Saturday to prepare Smithee to go up at the comic collective. I'll let you know when it's up. I made a bad-ass new cover for it!

Happy Axe-Time!