Sunday, July 15, 2012

Into the night- end issue #1

Wow, bitter-sweet moment here. The last page/panel of Big Bad Mitten Man issue #1. Now I've really got my work cut out for me laying the issue out in book form so you can have a physical print of it in your own grubby survivalist hands! I'll have to add the educational part - how to actually spin yarn, plus some how some way I gotta get a zombie in there (not a problem in issue#2!). Getting a new laptop helped. It can handle the bigger files just fine without the freezing up and ruining prints. I have to have the book done by the comicon at the library in October, and in time for KamaKazicon so I can be represented when the comic collective booth is there. But, this is a milestone here! I've been posting issue #1 for what, 6 mnths or more?
I hope it has given you all time to get to like Smithee and Billy, and their character driven drama. I really appreciate everyone who has come along for the ride, and the MLAA folks for supporting me and giving me encouragement and exposure. Having folks believe in you helps sooooooooooooo much!
I'll keep you posted on the book's progress.
Enjoy and Survive!

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